Report on The Friends of St Anne’s first Virtual Lecture on Zoom Webinar – 10th September 2020.
‘RAPHAEL – A MASTER IN THE MAKING’ by Siân Walters MA (Cantab)
After over 9 months in planning of this lecture which was to have been in person with Siân, The Friends Executive Committee, with the difficulties of Covid 19 and not being able to hold our fundraising events in person, took the decision to start presenting our first ever virtual Lectures. Knowing Siân was an experienced renowned Art History Lecturer lecturing at the National Gallery, the Wallace Collection, among others and with her own Tour and Event company ‘ART HISTORY IN FOCUS’ which arranges regular courses, study days and visits in the UK as well as cultural holidays throughout Europe, we felt confident that our venture into this unknown world would be a success and particularly as she had excellent experience in virtual lecturing.
As Siân says she is a firm believer in ‘making art history fun’ and what great fun we experienced with her beautiful voice that led us through such evocative and beautiful parts of Italy putting the life of the young Raphael into perspective initially as he honed his craft working with many established masters of the time. As Raphael moved between these great masters he was taught to paint in their style in order that as a student he could complete and finish the many commissions that the master had in work at any one time. Then in later years as he became a master in his own right, Siân used his paintings to compare the similarities of styles with some of his great teachers with an amazing ability and skill in relaying the information in such a professional and relaxed manner.
We were very pleased with how this first virtual lecture went which bodes well for our next one on 14th October at 7pm (Britain as Workshop of the World– See flyer linked here) and with the feedback that we received illustrates below it would seem that we should proceed with arranging more for later in November, December and probably into Spring 2021. We do hope you will join us and spread the word to your friends and family who are all welcome to join in too.
Selection of feedback received:
- ‘Being a big fan of Siân I settled down last night / Siân is so good to listen to with her relaxed seemingly unscripted delivery’.
- ‘It was indeed excellent and given by someone who has such a talent to help us really follow Raphael’s inspirational artists. Many thanks to her and you Lorraine for arranging this lecture’.
- ‘The talk was absolutely super . Fascinating ! An insight I would never have gained without explicit direction . I am Usually someone with the Headphones and the Guide .
I was concerned that I might not manage the signing in , but it worked like clockwork and I just missed the start .(30 secs). The delivery was clear and the pictures were easy to follow with her discussion. What a memory she must have. Much appreciated and enjoyed .Thank you for the opportunity to see this’. - ‘I thought the talk was great! Very well thought out and lots of good visuals. I had no problems at all – easy to join via Zoom, good audio and video quality. It certainly set an excellent precedent for online talks. I hope it raised lots of money’
- ‘Enormous thanks to the Friends Committee for organising that wonderful lecture on Leonardo on Thursday. Chores meant I didn’t see every minute sadly, but loved all I saw and thought the lecturer top-notch. How I would love to go on an art study holiday with her! How ingenious of you all to organise it so expertly. Now look forward to the next ….days are full making that hour a marvellous spell of complete absorption end enlightenment. Best wishes to all the Committee, specially Lorraine whose Italian jaunt set it all off’’
MUSIC played in 15-minute holding period before start of lecture:
I’m sure you will agree that the beautiful 15-minute holding music as you signed in was spell binding. It was composed by ‘Gareth Walters’ Siân’s Father, a very renowned Composer working for the BBC among other organisations – music was ‘Divertimento for Strings, ///: Lento Cantabile’ by Gareth Walters