‘The History and Creation of Frames’
Talk by Julia Korner
St Anne’s Parish Hall, Saturday 15th February 2025
11.00 to 12.30, with coffee served from 10.30
Tickets: £20 Members & £25 Non-Members
To buy a ticket, click on the green ‘Add to Cart’ below. The text changes to ‘Ticket added to Cart’. Click on ‘Cart’ to go to the basket where the number of tickets can be increased if required and you can apply your discount code (Members only). Enter your personal details and proceed to payment details. Following successful payment, your ticket will shortly be available to download (and will also be sent to you by email).
If you have any difficulties ordering online, please email your requirements to . The tickets can then be paid for on the day, with cash or card.
Registered Charity No. 1085389