NEWS – UPDATES Autumn 2020

Do keep watching our website for announcements on our next virtual Talks for November and December. 

Non-members are welcome, please contact us at to receive details.

There is no charge but a voluntary donation of £10 would be appreciated via the DONATE button on the Friends website. For further information go to our Events page

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Update – 27th June 2020  

We were delighted with the attendance on our first Virtual Zoom AGM last Saturday 27th June and thank all very much for your attendance. With Fr Nigel’s and Paul Booth’s superb IT support we were able to use the Zoom Polls to secure approval for 1) Last year’s 2019 Minutes, 2) Re-Election of our Officers & Executive Committee Members and 3) Approval of the Annual Report & Accounts. 

All Documents including the Minutes from the AGM meeting are posted on this site – Go to ‘Membership & Click on Governance’

EVENTS – AUTUMN 2020 & SPRING 2021 – Update on our Plans for the postponed events 

We will start our events in September and October 2020 (exact dates to follow) but not in the Parish Hall until further government updates.  Although it is difficult to plan in any detail how these might be able to be held into the future with the enormous increase in virtual Zoom technology we want to take advantage to stage our events.  We plan to start these in September and October and keep under review to launch further into Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021– this would be with a suggested donation from all participants. 

See Full list of the planned events – Go to ‘Events’ –  All Dates & Promotional Flyers to follow

CHURCH WALL RENOVATION – Update on the completion of our Fundraising Appeal for the renovation of the Church Wall

We are delighted to report that The Friends have now raised all the donations required to complete the church wall – A total of £62,808 raised over the past two years with the final amount paid of £37,063 to the PCC in July 2020. Thanks to recent membership subscriptions and the funds from our events. At our recent AGM, Simon Mollett, our new elected Treasurer, noted that this leaves the charity only a small balance, but this was acceptable as we have no imminent commitments.

The final work on the East Wall is now underway and will be completed by early August 2020 – See latest photograph on the website

See update on this website – Go to ‘Appeals’  

A NOTE – from our Chairman Lorraine Neale

‘’Our greatest Challenge ahead is to protect our wonderful Charity that has been in existence for over 19 years now.  I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to all  you our loyal members to please support us in the coming months in whatever course of action we will need to take. With so much uncertainty over public gatherings, none of us know what the coming months will look like. What we do know is that we your committee will do whatever we can to ensure that The Friends of St Anne’s Church Kew Charity is still here for both you and St Anne’s Church when this crisis is over. I would just ask that that you give us your support and loyalty in order that we can maintain and restore our fundraising activities that we know you appreciate so much’’.

Lorraine Neale

July 2020