Annual General Meeting July 2022 – Notice and Agenda

The Friends of St Anne’s Church, Kew

Registered Charity No. 1085389

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Friends of St Anne’s Church, Kew, will be held on Saturday 2 July 2022 at 10:30 a.m. in St. Anne’s Church Hall.

At the AGM the Executive Committee will report on activities and events which took place in 2021-2022 and present the annual accounts.

Chairman’s letter dated June 2022 linked here 

The AGM will also elect the Committee and officers of the charity for the next twelve months. An agenda follows.


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the AGM held on 3 July 2021 (linked here) and any matters arising therefrom.

3. Election of officers and the Executive Committee

a. Lorraine Neale (Chair), Simon Mollett (Treasurer) and Benjamin Jones (Secretary) have agreed to stand for election;
b. Wendy Booth and Belinda Pethick have agreed to stand for election in the category “elected representatives”.

Nominations for any of the above positions are invited and should be in the hands of the Secretary by 18 June.

Nominations require a proposer and the agreement of the nominee to serve. A nomination form is linked here. If there are more nominations than vacancies (elected representatives are limited to 6), then a ballot will be held.

4. Report and accounts covering the work and activities of the charity for the period 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022 (linked hereto).

5. Any other business.

Benjamin Jones, Secretary
5 Riverview Road, London W4 3QH

By order of the Executive Committee