Charity Bridge Drive
Wednesday 28 November 2018 2.30pm for 3.00pm ‘til 8.00pm in the Parish Room, St Anne’s Church Kew.

Tina Ruygrok, a member of The Friends Executive Committee organised this very successful event which attracted 36 very passionate, enthusiastic Bridge players from around Kew and Richmond. Playing on 9 Bridge Tables kindly lent from The Royal Mid Surrey Golf Club and bidding boxes also very kindly lent, they played 20 hands of Chicago Bridge overseen by local Bridge expert and teacher Arnold Tunbridge.
After three and half hours of bridge, Arnold calculated the scores and our President Fr Nigel Worn presented the First Prize of an engraved Cup and two Bottles of Wine to the winning couple, along with other second and last prizes. Fr Nigel then drew the Raffle winning tickets presenting the First Prize of a Kew Grill Dining Voucher worth £80, a Magnum of Veuve Clicquot, a Magnum of Provencal Rose.
Concluding this section before breaking for Supper, our Chairman of The Friends, Lorraine Neale thanked firstly Arnold Tunbridge presenting him with a bottle and a Bridge motif Tie, and secondly Tina Ruygrok with a bouquet for her meticulous and exemplary organisation of the event.
Everyone then took their places at the dining tables to be served a delicious supper of Beef Casserole, cooked by Peter Ruygrok and a Veggie Moussaka cooked by Barbara Cook. This was followed by a Guinness dessert served with ice cream cooked by Judy Perkins. Red and White Wine along with Elderflower Cordial and Badoit accompanied this very popular supper.
All participants expressed their enjoyment of the afternoon and indicating a desire to make this an Annual event in The Friends diary of events!

Bridge in Play