About The Friends

Safeguarding the future of one of the most treasured landmark buildings in Kew

Our Purpose

Our primary purpose is to unite those who have a particular interest and affection for the Parish Church of St Anne, Kew.  The Friends of St Anne’s Church, Kew, registered with the Charity Commission (Registered Charity No. 1085389), is committed to:

✠    raising funds to help maintain the fabric of the church and churchyard for future generations;
✠    financing special projects to restore the church and churchyard, and
✠    promoting public awareness of the church and its place in the history of Kew.

What have ‘The Friends’ done?

Since its inception in 1999, The Friends of St Anne’s Church, Kew has funded various projects including:
✠    commissioning a master plan detailing the work needed to repair and restore the building and churchyard by 2014, the 300th birthday of the church;
✠    the repair and restoration of the South Porch;
✠    the restoration and conservation of the tombs of Thomas Gainsborough, Johann Zoffany and Thomas Gardiner;
✠    a payment in the region of £6000 made to the Veolia Environmental Trust to release a Grant of £60,000 made to the church’s PCC for the essential work needed to repair and replace the worn external upper stonework of the church.
✠   restoration and repair of the Church wall
✠   update and extension of the floodlighting on and around the church – ‘Floodlight 300 Appeal’

Please donate to the Friends

Your contribution is much appreciated

Join the Friends

✠    You will be kept informed on the work of the Friends’.
✠    You will receive an invitation to Friends’ events.
✠    You will receive a discount on Friends’ events.

Membership is open to all individuals and companies who support the above objectives. The minimum subscription is just £25 per person per annum for individual members and £100 per company per annum for company members.

About St Anne’s Church

St Anne’s Church, built in 1714, located on Kew Green, is a living parish church, caring for the needs of the local community.  It plays an important part in the life and work of the borough, acting as a focal point both for those who live in the area and for the million or so visitors who come to Kew each year, contributing to the thriving tourist industry.
Many people enjoy St Anne’s because of its position on Kew Green and delight in the essential village charm, with cricket pitch and surrounding elegant period houses and pubs.  Some enjoy its fine architectural shape and design.  Others enjoy it as an excellent venue for music, and there must be many, whilst not necessarily members of the congregation, who would not want to see the church fall into disrepair and ruin.
If you care about this historic building and want to lend support to safeguarding its future, you can, by becoming a Friend