Saturday 7th December 2019, St Anne’s Church, Kew
A talk given by Jonathan Rugman, the award-winning Channel 4 News foreign affairs correspondent, investigating the life and death of Jamal Khashoggi
‘When Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi Consulate in Turkey on 2nd October 2018, he was expecting to pick up the documentation that would enable him to marry his fiancé, Hatice Cengiz. Little did he realise he was walking into a trap.’ Based on confidential sources dramatic new evidence and in-depth research, the BAFTA award-winning foreign correspondent, Jonathan Rugman, revealed what happened that day in extracts from his recently published book.
Jonathan really brought this episode in the Middle East to life for all of us listening that day but avoided any of the upsetting or distressing details. A very charismatic speaker leading us into the wider worldwide political connections which held us all spellbound.
This was another sell out event in association with the Kew Bookshop. Copies of Jonathan’s book were available for sale which Jonathan generously signed adding a personal dedication.